Asset Management Program (Phase 2) for Shuswap Band

Project Highlights
Shuswap Band is located in British Columbia’s East Kootenay region. In addition to serving its members, the Band owns several businesses and is focused on encouraging sustainable economic development for community prosperity. Shuswap Band has developed an Asset Management Program to ensure a strong community infrastructure base to support economic development and community vitality for years to come.
In 2014, Shuswap Band invited KWL to facilitate the design and implementation of the second phase of its Asset Management Program. The program is intended to manage the community’s water, sewer, stormwater, and roadway infrastructure, and community-owned buildings.
KWL worked closely with staff and Council throughout the project, with a key focus on leveraging existing community capacity to ensure effective program implementation over the long term. Shuswap staff and Council played a key role in developing the program. To build community awareness and inform the future direction of Shuswap’s delivery of core services, KWL coordinated team working sessions with Shuswap staff, worked actively with Chief and Council, and delivered a workshop at the Band’s Annual General Meeting. KWL worked with Council and staff to develop a community awareness program, which included several workshops to build understanding about the cost of operating, maintaining and renewing existing infrastructure. Information gathered through consultation and working sessions was used to update the Band’s infrastructure inventory and to develop a long-term financial plan of infrastructure renewal over the next 20 years.
“All of the material that was produced was of superior quality. That’s due to Catherine. Her supporting team was very good. Everybody made us feel very comfortable, very patient very understanding. Really good team at Kerr Wood Leidal.”
– Chief Barb Cote and Terry Babin