Industrial Wastewater Treatment

Industrial Wastewater Treatment Services

Welcome to KWL’s Industrial Wastewater Treatment Services. We pride ourselves on our commitment to safeguarding the environment, conserving water resources, ensuring regulatory compliance, and promoting economic efficiency. Through our suite of wastewater management practices, we support a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable future.

Our Expertise

Our team of dedicated professionals provides services to address all aspects of industrial wastewater treatment. Our expertise spans the full spectrum of wastewater management including:

  • Design and construction of wastewater treatment and monitoring systems,
  • Wastewater system audits, surveys, and condition assessments,
  • Regulatory compliance monitoring,
  • Regulatory review, permit applications, and compliance plans, and
  • Feasibility studies and options evaluation for monitoring and treatment.

We tailor our solutions to each client’s needs, delivering efficient, reliable, and innovative wastewater treatment processes.

Our Clientele

Over the years, we have worked with hundreds of clients across Western Canada from diverse industries. Our clients include:

  • Mining and mineral production,
  • Metal processing and smelters,
  • Port terminals and bulk materials handling facilities,
  • Food and beverage processing,
  • Dairy, poultry, and agricultural production,
  • Chemical manufacturing,
  • Wood processing, lumber, pulp, and paper,
  • Industrial laundries,
  • Roadwork and transportation,
  • Rapid transit, bus stations, trains, and rail,
  • Airports,
  • Power generation, and
  • Biotechnology.

Why Choose KWL?

At KWL, we strive to help our clients meet their regulatory requirements and corporate objectives through practical, no-nonsense solutions to help minimize the expense of environmental programs while maximizing the environmental benefits. With our Industrial Wastewater Treatment Services, we understand operational pressures and help our clients implement management practices and capital upgrades that are within the capabilities of the company resources (both financial and operational).

Ready to embrace responsible wastewater management? Contact us so we can work together to find a solution that meets your unique needs.