Maple Ridge Water Master Plan
Project Highlights
KWL was retained by the District of Maple Ridge to complete a master plan to address an expected population growth from 75,000 to 132,000 by 2041 and the resulting required upgrades to the water distribution system. An updated water distribution model and master plan was needed so that capital planning could commence.
The District’s 2002 water system model was updated and formed the basis of the master plan. The piping network and pipe characteristics were updated using GIS data, and the model was validated based on data gathered from SCADA records.
Existing and Future Demands
Existing water demands were distributed to individual lots using GIS land use information and Census data. The type of demand was also differentiated by type (residential small and large lot, non-metered ICI, metered ICI and un-accounted for water) and by period of usage (base demands and seasonal demands). Future water demands were developed in GIS using projected neighbourhood populations and Official Community Plan (OCP) land use allocations. Diurnal demand patterns for the model were developed using winter and summer SCADA provided by DMR and Metro Vancouver.
System Evaluation and Recommendations
The scope included a review of balancing and fire storage, peak hour pressures, fire flow availability, reliability and head loss gradients. These issues were reviewed for the existing and future water system.
Issues were identified with the District’s existing distribution system, but in general, the system met the hydraulic design criteria set-out under the existing demands.
Key Contact(s)
John Delver Senior Project Manager