Tadanac Water Supply Main

Project Info

Trail, BC​

Project Services
Water Supply & Treatment

Project Highlights

The Tadanac community in Trail, BC had historically received potable water supplied from an adjacent industrial plant.  In 2008, KWL was retained by the City of Trail to identify alternative options for supplying water to the community from the Trail water system.

KWL recommended that the City construct a watermain from the Rossland Avenue booster pump station to the existing Tadanac Reservoir.  The design included tie-in connections at both the Rossland Avenue booster pump station and the Teck Reservoir.

The work comprised supply and installation of 1,700 m of 400 mm fully restrained watermain connecting the Rossland Avenue booster pump station to the Tadanac water system.  The watermain alignment parallels Highway 22.  Control valve additions were required at each end to control the new supply main.

The watermain now provides the Tadanac community with potable water directly from the Trail water system.