Our Culture

Our Culture

We have a unique and special workplace culture, grounded in quality people producing quality work. We attract, recruit and retain the brightest minds in the industry, who share our vision, mission and values.

We have a wide variety of skill sets and clients, so we always have growth opportunities for staff. As careers progress, we work together to find the best blend of technical, project management, and corporate management roles for each person.

The mantra for KWL used to be “Work hard, play hard.” That is evolving with the times as a new generation of people join us. It is more accurate now to say we encourage a culture of “Work smart, play hard.”

Staff at KWL have a lot of freedom. For instance, there are no core hours. When deadlines require some overtime, our staff save the extra hours worked in their flex bank – to expand their vacation time or increase their take home pay at their option. Parking is paid for at most of our offices. Where staff prefer to take transit or ride a bike to work, they are given a transit allowance in lieu of paid parking. We work with our people to make KWL work for them.