Mike Nolan and Mike Homenuke Honoured by APEGBC

Two KWL employees have received awards from the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC (APEGBC).  Mike Nolan, M.Eng., P.Eng. received the D.C. Lambert Professional Service Award, which honours an individual who has made a substantial contribution of professional service, through leadership and dedication, to APEGBC or to a provincial, national or international technical association or learned society.  Mike Homenuke, P.Eng. received the Young Professional Award, which recognizes an individual who has demonstrated exemplary accomplishments in relation to his/her profession, professional service, including service with APEGBC, and community service.

The awards will be presented at the President’s Awards Gala on October 21 in Victoria, BC.  APEGBC’S annual President’s Awards recognize excellence in professional, technical, and community service by its members.

KWL congratulates Mike Nolan and Mike Homenuke on this well-deserved recognition!


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