Assessment of Geothermal Resources in British Columbia

Project Highlights
Kerr Wood Leidal (with its sub-consultant GeothermEx Inc.) was retained by Geoscience BC to assess the economic viability of geothermal energy in British Columbia for electrical power development. This comprised researching and compilating data on 18 specified geothermal sites, and then providing technical and economic assessment of nine of the most ‘favourable’ sites.
Estimates of the levelized cost of electricity for those sites were calculated using the specified Geothermal Electricity Technology Evaluation Model (GETEM). The favourable sites are estimated to have a combined potential of about 400 MW. The scope of this planning-level study was to use publicly available information only, and consultation with interested parties as well as fieldwork and exploration activities were not part of the approved scope. Information from project proponents who may have detailed information about particular sites could potentially result in a different cost of electricity than the cost produced by the GETEM model.