Burrard Inlet Action Plan

Project Info

Burrard Inlet

Project Services

Project Highlights

The Burrard Inlet Action Plan was developed by KWL on behalf of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation (TWN).  The Burrard Inlet Action Plan is a founding guidance document for a new science-based, First Nations-led initiative to improve the health of Burrard Inlet by 2025.  The purpose of the Action Plan is to:

  • Summarize available scientific knowledge about Burrard Inlet and assess status and trends in the ecosystem for key topics of interest;
  • Identify priority issues that continue to contribute to degradation or limit recovery;
  • Identify important knowledge gaps and research needs;
  • Foster development of a shared vision for environmental stewardship; and
  • Identify strategic near-term actions that could be taken to improve the health and integrity of Burrard Inlet by 2025.

An extensive literature review and expert interview process focussed on summarizing the current state of Burrard Inlet’s aquatic health, and identifying recommendations to best move forward.  Topics covered include:

  • Marine biota including fish and fish habitat, shellfish, and marine birds.
  • Nearshore ecosystems
  • Pollution (e.g., chemicals of emerging concern, stormwater)
  • Biophysical processes

All this was set in the context of climate change and the future growth of Metro Vancouver.

A total of 5 recovery goals, 16 strategies, and 66 actions were identified in the plan.  In addition, six strategic priorities were recommended as an initial focus of TWN’s stewardship efforts.

The plan can be downloaded here (https://twnsacredtrust.ca/burrard-inlet-action-plan/)

Key Contact(s)

Patrick Lilley Environment Sector Leader

Jessica LeNoble Project Engineer